Digital skills in a digital society: requirements and challenges

16 Titles
Digital skills in a digital society: requirements and challenges

The monograph brings attention to a crucial aspect of contemporary economic and social development—the role of digital skills in modern society. The increasing reliance on digital tools and platforms has made digital literacy an essential competency for individuals, businesses, and governments. This work aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of digital skills, their impact on economic stability, and their relevance in different fields such as business, education, governance, and personal well-being.

The authors of this monograph address key issues related to digital transformation, including the legal perspectives of digital citizenship, the importance of digital skills in financial and economic processes, and their role in ensuring business resilience and reputation. Special attention is given to the impact of digitalization on leadership, mental health, and education across different global contexts.

This monograph will be useful for educators, economists, business professionals, policymakers, and students who seek a deeper understanding of how digital competencies shape the modern economy and workforce. The findings presented in this research contribute to the ongoing discourse on digital inclusion and skill development, offering practical recommendations for fostering digital literacy at different levels of society.

The authors express their gratitude to all readers, especially those who engage with the content critically and contribute their insights on the ideas discussed in this work.

This monograph is dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the Scientific Center of Innovative Research.

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